radio music / John Cage, Michael Pisaro, Casey Thomas Anderson


Radio Music (1956) – John Cage

Valley (2010) – Casey Thomas Anderson

7 for two musicians with radios [the collection] (2000) – Michael Pisaro

Variations III + Variations IV (1962/1963) – John Cage



The concert was divided in two parts.

The first part included “Radio Music” duo by Santiago Astaburuaga and Sebastián Jatz Rawicz, “Valley” quartet by Santiago Astaburuaga, Nicolás Carrasco, Sebastián Jatz Rawicz and Alvaro Ortega, “Radio Music” quintet, “7 for two musicians with radios [the collection]” duo by Nicolás Carrasco and Alvaro Ortega and “Radio Music” solo by Alvaro Ortega.

The second part consisted of a combination of “Variations III” and “Variations IV”, for which individual scores were created for the 5 musicians and 2 cameramen, according to the procedure with 42 circles established by Cage in Variations III plus a list of 42 activities to perform (see 42 activities).

The placement of certain tools, such as laptops and recorders, were carried out according to the procedure in “Variations IV”.

We also asked each one of the 15 audience members to bring along a list with the numbers from 1 to 42 in any order, without repeating or omitting any. A few minutes before the beginning of the second part they were given a blueprint (see blueprint) of the apartment divided in 42 sections, in which, according to their personal numbers list, they would locate themselves, staying in each of them for 1 minute.


the players

Santiago Astaburuaga, Nicolás Carrasco, Raúl Díaz, Sebastián Jatz Rawicz and Alvaro Ortega


Andrew Dockett y Joaquín Fernández

the instruments

radios (plus stones, deck brush and platic bags in “Valley”)


apartment 41A in Seminario 144, Providencia, Santiago, Chile


21st of May 2010


from 20:00 to 21:30


90 minutes

the audience

Heidrun Marie Breier, Vicente Ruiz, Mauricio Garrido, Daniela León, Macarena Campbell, Paula Anguita, Leonardo Soto, Tatiana Wolff, Claudia Benavente, Francisco Schultz, Claudio Fernández, Pilar Martelli and Santiago Blanco


audios (first half)

Radio Music – Santiago Astaburuaga, Sebastián Jatz Rawicz

The audio was removed by request of Edition Peters Group, publisher of J. Cage’s works.


Valley – Santiago Astaburuaga, Nicolás Carrasco, Sebastián Jatz Rawicz, Alvaro Ortega


Radio Music – Santiago Astaburuaga, Nicolás Carrasco, Raúl Díaz, Sebastián Jatz Rawicz, Alvaro Ortega

The audio was removed by request of Edition Peters Group, publisher of J. Cage’s works.


7 for two musicians with radios [the collection] – Nicolás Carrasco, Alvaro Ortega


Radio Music – Alvaro Ortega

The audio was removed by request of Edition Peters Group, publisher of J. Cage’s works.